In my perceived reality I had no value, so when I begin to steer off the road of negativity and move towards something positive for myself, that voice was there to help me find my way back to where I thought I belonged.
Read moreDark Skinned Girl
...I never felt pretty when I was younger. I would look in the mirror and wish I could see something different. As I got older, I would try to hide my darkness with makeup and different hairstyles and nice clothes because the last thing I wanted was for anyone to mention how dark my skin was. This feeling stayed with me well into my adult years.
Read moreEthical Fashion on a Budget
Here I was, trying to educate people on modern-day slavery, but I was using modern-day slavery to do so. I knew that the people who made my clothes were mistreated. I knew they worked in horrible conditions with little to no pay. And I exploited these people every time I went into my favorite stores: places like H&M, Old Navy, and Forever 21. But the cheap price tags connected to my new clothes were enough for me to forget that. I could go in and purchase new clothes without putting too much of a dent in my wallet. I liked that. It was easy.
Read moreNavigating Chaos
At age 12, my parents fought the custody battle to end all custody battles. It was long and laborious and unabashedly vicious. It went on through the school year, then into summer, and ended with an abrupt car ride to the airport. Just before school was about to start, without warning, a car pulled up to my grandmother’s house, my aunt got out, and broke the news that my mom had lost.
I was immediately sent to Texas, and 24 hours later I started seventh grade – no goodbyes.
Read moreFunny Girl
In high school I was the funny fat friend. I was the girl who all the boys came to when they had crushes on my friends… to talk to about said crushes. I was the best friend, and never the girlfriend.
Read morePlus is Equal
"A lot of my life has consisted of me trying to figure out how to be 'like the other girls.' I had no idea how much damage I was doing to my self-worth and how I was setting myself up for a lifetime of comparison and not feeling like I was enough. I have been in many conversations with plenty of close male friends defining their 'dream girl.' She never looked like me. That has been so painful, not being anyone's dream and never being the 'ideal' because of the way I look."
Read moreHow Enneagram Ruined my Life (For the Better)
While others were answering the test questions, I looked through the website and clicked on the type three description. “Gross,” I thought. “Who are these workaholic attention-whores with ‘most politicians’ as their historic example? I can’t stand people like that.”
Guess what I typed as…
Read moreMy Year in Revolt
And in these troubling, difficult times for our nation and our world, that’s the kind of hope I want to fight for. That’s the heart of Dressember, of The Body Journal, of Good Girls Revolt: Fighting for autonomy, for respect, for our voices. Fighting against oppression, against our own tendency to compete and compare, to tear each other down to feel better about ourselves. And in accepting each other’s imperfections and differences, we’re able to have more grace for our own.
Read moreTrue Love DIDN'T Wait.
And it was thus that I learned by about age thirteen, as a girl you were damned if you did and damned if you didn’t.
Read moreBreaking the Generational Curse
It seemed like every couple of years from the time I was seven-years-old, he would fall into this ditch of despair where he would just drink cheap red wine and beer... pretty much all day long.
Read moreOn Getting Older & the Whole Dating & Mating Thing
I know that beauty is fleeting and that our looks will fade away. I also know that it is the character & heart of GOD that radiates through me, displaying true beauty & lasting value. It is God’s definition that counts most.
Read moreIf They Want Me
I quickly learned I couldn’t make someone love me, but I could make them want me. I discovered later getting people to want me wasn’t limited to sexual intrigue. I could also garner interest with intelligence or hard physical labor. The main point was having something to trade for attention.
Read moreGroup Complex
Painting by Viviana Stone.
My heart has always gone out to twins. I always thought to myself, “That must be SO hard…” I mentioned this to my big sister the other day and she responded, “Are you kidding? We’ve had it worse than twins. Way worse.” She was right. Because we were a “group.” We’ve always been a group.
Read moreRude Comments
"People have said things to me that would normally be considered a 'compliment,' but with a tone of shock and disgust. As if my natural body type was disturbing or unnatural to them."
Read moreMen Don't Cry
"I was not expecting her question. And strangely, I couldn’t shrug it away this time, realizing I had avoided the real answer all along. I couldn’t hold back what I was feeling any longer and tears began to well up, and water began filling my eyes. One by one, tear drops rolled down my cheeks and I couldn’t wipe them away fast enough to hide."
Read moreHide & Seek
Like a curator, the person who manages art at a museum, I chose the pieces that people liked the most about my personality, and I hung them on display, with perfect lighting and pretty descriptions.
Read moreBehind a Mask
The biggest secret I have kept from some of my closest friends and family members...
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Great Things
I felt for years that I was failing. I’d always wanted to become a person of influence so that I could help the people that had become victims of trafficking, poverty, or abuse. I would cry all the time, frustrated, because I felt like I had failed them - I didn't have the resources and I couldn't really help anybody. Simple visits to Skid Row, or short mission trips felt like insignificant attempts at changing anything, let alone the world.
Read moreIndustry vs. Donut
When I looked at him with utter shock, that’s when he explained himself:
“Basically after this conversation, you need to either eat a cheeseburger or go to the gym. But you need to pick one and stick with it because your body type is in-between and there is no place for you in this industry”
Read moreScars from the Past
I felt so evil, so guilty, so wrong. But I didn’t want to stop. I wanted more and more of that high that I got when I watched pornography. Eventually, though, I realized that I couldn’t live like that anymore.
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